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Started by Barb, May 18, 2023, 05:57:00 AM

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Good morning everybody!  I am glad to see the sun out so early, rain coming in for the weekend though.  I will be driving both days to and from my kids in the center of the state.  And will see 2 friends along the way.  I will think of the rain as a free carwash.

Willie, do you have Royal Farms up your way? I know they are big in MD.  Just a mile down the road from me the first one in NC is almost ready to open.  Looks very nice and is known to have "the world's best fried chicken".  They also have a carwash that I am looking forward to.  I will probably get my gas there and they have a huge fast food area with a nice glassed in seating area.  My part of town is where all the new businesses are going in.  And they are so close to me I could walk there, almost.  Will let you all know how it is when they open soon.

Have a good day, and Liz how is your back after the first night on the new mattress?


Good morning Barb and everyone. It was a cold start to our day with the temp at 42 degrees when I got up. It is currently 46 degrees and we will get up to 65F this afternoon. There is no recipt in site.

I had a great lunch with my former boss yesterday but sadly he did not look well to me. He is 74 years old but he's had several bouts with the "Big C" including the prostate and skin variety. We will be getting together on June 7 as part of a larger group luncheon.

Barb we have quite a few Royal Farms here. They have decent chicken but it's not "the world's best fried chicken" to me. The chicken is a little too salty for my taste but lots of folks like the salt. It also depends on the individual store, so one store may make it great and another store not so much. I really like their potato wedges which you can buy individually or as part of the meal. Their gas prices are usually decent here.

I have a ophthalmologist appointment this afternoon. Due to high pressure in my eyes I have to go twice a year. My eye pressure is high but it has been stable and aside for some small cataracts my eyes (including prescriptions) have not changed in several years.

It's time to get my day started so I wish you all a great day and I'll check in later.

Too Many Fish. Not Enough Tanks.

Ron Sower

Hello folks!..

We'll, it's going to get to 92 today, and is 78 right now...Lucy's friends from her BR days (before Ron) will get here around 10:30 and we'll go up to Canyon Lake and take the boat ride and hopefully see some desert bighorn sheep...I think we've only taken one ride when we haven't seen them...after that we'll have lunch at the famous tortilla Flat Bar And Grill...it's a must-do whenever we go to that lake...it's a cute little tourist area....

Tonight we'll finish packing for our cruise trip tomorrow...

One of my new gobie males is claiming one of the caves I got from you Barb, and is trying to entice a female who seems to be interested!...im excited for them to spawn...

I gotta get a move on...you guys have a good day!...
Happy Aquariuming,


Hello my dear friends.  Everyone seems up beat but Willie.  An old friend who's not doing well and an appt to have your eye pressure checked.  I hope that your eyes are doing well.

Barb, how did it go at the dentist.  I hope that you are no longer in pain and have a good time on your road trip.  Let me know how your back holds up.

I can't tell you what a wonderful nights sleep on my new mattress topper.  I got up early and I was ready to do stuff.  I got so much done!  I cheated last night because my body was out of gas.  I slept directly on the mattress topper with the top sheet and light blanket on top.  Now that I've got my sheets washed and everything put on correctly it will feel even better.  Barb, I can't thank you enough for suggesting I get this.  It makes a world of difference.

My neighbor Shawn came down after I texted that I had a bit of an emergency.  My old printer was struck by lightning.  I bought a new one and couldn't get it to work.  It's an emergency because I put 3 customers another week.  I really didn't want to have to put them off for another week.  It took Shawn a long time to figure it out but he did.  I can print shipping labels and make my customers happy.  Thank God.  I don't know what I would do.  I gave him a big hug and told him that I loved him in the platonic way. lol

It's kind of AC weather but it's overcast and humid.  When the sun came out just a bit ago it started raining.  Go figure.  The sun seems to have won the battle so now it's damp, humid and sunny.

I'm having a nice lunch now and then I'll hop in the bath and then take a little nap on my beautifully made comfortable bed.  It will be WC time soon enough and I don't want to have to do it while I'm in pain if I can avoid it.

Always move forward. Never look back.

Ron Sower

Quote from: LizStreithorst on May 18, 2023, 01:20:30 PM
Hello my dear friends.  Everyone seems up beat but Willie.  An old friend who's not doing well and an appt to have your eye pressure checked.  I hope that your eyes are doing well.

Barb, how did it go at the dentist.  I hope that you are no longer in pain and have a good time on your road trip.  Let me know how your back holds up.

I can't tell you what a wonderful nights sleep on my new mattress topper.  I got up early and I was ready to do stuff.  I got so much done!  I cheated last night because my body was out of gas.  I slept directly on the mattress topper with the top sheet and light blanket on top.  Now that I've got my sheets washed and everything put on correctly it will feel even better.  Barb, I can't thank you enough for suggesting I get this.  It makes a world of difference.

My neighbor Shawn came down after I texted that I had a bit of an emergency.  My old printer was struck by lightning.  I bought a new one and couldn't get it to work.  It's an emergency because I put 3 customers another week.  I really didn't want to have to put them off for another week.  It took Shawn a long time to figure it out but he did.  I can print shipping labels and make my customers happy.  Thank God.  I don't know what I would do.  I gave him a big hug and told him that I loved him in the platonic way. lol

It's kind of AC weather but it's overcast and humid.  When the sun came out just a bit ago it started raining.  Go figure.  The sun seems to have won the battle so now it's damp, humid and sunny.

I'm having a nice lunch now and then I'll hop in the bath and then take a little nap on my beautifully made comfortable bed.  It will be WC time soon enough and I don't want to have to do it while I'm in pain if I can avoid it.
...it's so good to see that you're upbeat too, Liz!...I'm really happy the topper made such a positive difference for you...rest easy, friend!... |^|
Happy Aquariuming,