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Hot Humid Wednesday

Started by LizStreithorst, May 10, 2023, 10:25:14 AM

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But I don't care if I steam all day long.  It's going to be a super dooper day.  My $1000. guy finally came through for me.  From now on I'll call him my $1200 day because that plus an I Pad is what I'll be getting today.  He sent me the UPS tracking number so I know it's true.  I also get my SS check today.  I was slam out of money so I've been staying in the house since late last week.  I was wondering how I was ever going to be able to get these rotten teeth pulled and pay off my Credit Card which is only about $600, but that's a lot for me.  Should I ask the dude to marry me?  I'd be fine with it if he stays where he is and I stay here.

I'll be cleaning this filthy house until my riches arrive later.  Chicken Chicken has become a spoiled rotten demanding hen.  She's not even laying any more.  Back when she was giving me an egg every 3 days she was pooping good poop which was easy to pick up.  Now that she's not laying her poop has gone back to being loose.  She doesnt like to go out when it's raining or even wet so she's mostly been inside for almost a week.  The kitchen, where she comes nagging me for treats worse than the dogs, the kitchen started to smell of chicken shit.  How can I cook in a kitchen that smells?  I finally put my foot down and I'm making her stay out most of the day.  I'll be waiting on the dogs letting them in and out but at least I won't have a shitting chicken in the house.

I can do so little at once that I'm taking a break now.  I've got the dishes in the washer, the kitchen clean and swept which isn't bad for 10 in the morning.  We'll see what I can manage to get done.  I'd love to be able to sweep, vacuum and mop the entire joint but I know that's a pipe dream.  I want at least to get the sweeping and vacuuming done.

That's it for me.  It sure it's nice not to be able to relax and not worry about money.  I'll enjoy it while I can.
Always move forward. Never look back.

Ron Sower

Nice payday, Liz!... I'm pleased you're up and about today...

Our springtime is still here...after sunny 80s & 90s for several days our temp has dropped to a toe-numbing 77 high today |brr|...but tomorrow back up into the 80s...and Saturday & Sunday 97 & 98...guess we won't be sunning ourselves today unless this overcast sky clears up...

Lucy is doing a special card class day for a couple friends...both of them have granddaughters planning weddings...they're going to make wedding cards today...

I did a few little projects and will continue today...things like cleaning some set-aside tanks, clearing of a bunch of stuff that has collected on the carport, hanging up the house numbers that we took down for the painting...etc., etc...

Aquarium related:
My new blue discus are starting to develop a little deeper blue tone which is what I wanted to see happen...yay!!!
A young lady might be coming over to get more shellies...she'd becoming after 7pm and it's an hour drive for her...I suggested she contact another fellow in our group who also has some available right now, to see if he might be closer...gas is hovering right at $5 per gallon around here...$4.459 at Costco....
I got the gobies into a tank and today I will get the orange Venezuelan Cories in their new home...
I'll go do maintenance on my customer's tank today at noon...
Just got a text asking to come get shrimp Saturday...yay! |^|

It being cooler today, I think I will do some more trim painting this afternoon...I don't have a lot to do; it's just tedious work, but I enjoy it...

That's all for now folks...
Happy Aquariuming,


It seem that we're both on a roll, Ron.  Ain't it grand?
Always move forward. Never look back.


Hi Liz, Ron and everyone. It is a beautiful day here where we are topping off at 72 degrees at the moment. There is plenty of sunshine and a slight breeze so it feels great.

Liz and Ron you guys are doing great breeding, raising and most importantly selling your fish. In this market there is not a lot of ways to sell fish unless you do it online or put them up for auction at the local club. When I first moved here we had a few independent aquarium stores that I sold fish to but they have since closed down.

For the moment I am not breeding fish because I just have too much personal stuff going on and I am not up to taking care of fry. That may change if and when my young discus pair up but for the time being I am just enjoying watching the fish.

Wishing you all a great afternoon.

Too Many Fish. Not Enough Tanks.


Hi everybody, just checking in to read your posts and say Hi.  Not much going on new here, hurt my back last week, but trying to ignore it.  It finally poured rain here late last night. Earlier in the day, no rain yet, I had a triple rainbow to watch for awhile.  Never have I seen more than a double one.  Bet this is rare.  In Hawaii we saw many doubles but never a triple. Ron have we went to Bermuda years ago, it is beautiful there but very expensive. A couple on the ship told us they paid $40 for 2 burgers and 2 beers.  That was about 8 years ago, must be more by now.  You all be good,

Ron Sower

Quote from: Barb on May 10, 2023, 05:19:15 PM
Hi everybody, just checking in to read your posts and say Hi.  Not much going on new here, hurt my back last week, but trying to ignore it.  It finally poured rain here late last night. Earlier in the day, no rain yet, I had a triple rainbow to watch for awhile.  Never have I seen more than a double one.  Bet this is rare.  In Hawaii we saw many doubles but never a triple. Ron have we went to Bermuda years ago, it is beautiful there but very expensive. A couple on the ship told us they paid $40 for 2 burgers and 2 beers.  That was about 8 years ago, must be more by now.  You all be good,
we plant to eat mostly on the ship being that food is included!!, :D
Happy Aquariuming,