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Tuesday Hello

Started by Barb, March 07, 2023, 06:53:46 AM

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Good morning friends, I am way past due to start off a thread here.  It is 60 outside at 8am and going up to over 70 today, sun all day.  BUT everything us yellow and dusty with pine pollen.  Pine trees rule the forests in eastern NC, so just tons of yellow pollen everywhere! What we all need is a good hard rain to wash it away.  Cars are all yellow right now.  I am over the flu so feel so much better than I did last week.  At least I don't have pollen allergies like so many people do.

Now I need to get out and do lots of yardwork, being careful of my back of course.  Hope you all have a good day, see you here later on.


Good morning Barb and everyone. We are cold to start this day off. We are currently at 38 degrees and will get up to 50F this afternoon. There is also a 60% chance of rain.

I am getting ready to see my back doctor today. I am not in bad shape with respect to my back but as I type this I can feel the tightness and tingling in the toes that I usually get when my back is ready to misbehave.

My Discus are swimming out in the open water this morning and appear a lot more comfortable and they are eating ok. I've been giving them a 50% water change every evening before I go to bed so I've been keeping up with the water quality.

It's time for me to get going so have a great day and I'll check in with you all later.

Too Many Fish. Not Enough Tanks.


Everything is yellow here from both the pines and the oaks.  Like you Barb, I'm not allergic.  Seems like most everyone else is.  How is Diane doing?

Willie, it sounds like the Discus are doing well and that you are doing right.  I'd love to see a pic.  If you have tingling in your feet it sounds like you have stenosis.  Are you on Gabapentin or Neurontin?  Have you ever had an MRI? 

It's overcast and warm here.  It was even warmish when I got out of bed at 6.  I'm feeling much better today with my Tramadol on board.  I sent of 2 pairs of black Discus,  went to town for potting soil, a few groceries, beer and the pharmacy for the rest of my Tramadol.  I also posted another auction on AB.

I so have the urge to plant summer veggies and annuals, but I don't dare.  It's just early March.  Who know what evil cold lurks ahead?

I'm afraid that's it for me, folks.  Not much of interest, but enough to make me feel content.
Always move forward. Never look back.


Quote from: LizStreithorst on March 07, 2023, 01:09:22 PM

Willie, it sounds like the Discus are doing well and that you are doing right.  I'd love to see a pic.  If you have tingling in your feet it sounds like you have stenosis.  Are you on Gabapentin or Neurontin?  Have you ever had an MRI? 

Liz, yes I am on Gabepentin and I do have stenosis among other things. I've had a couple of MRIs with the most recent one last summer.

When I get a chance I'll take some pics.


Too Many Fish. Not Enough Tanks.

Ron Sower

Hi gang!...
It was a crazy wonderful weekend with Gary Lange here...total busy the whole time...started catching up yesterday, and more of the same today...
I'm still waiting to hear from pain docs office for an appointment time to get an epidural to see if that helps my back and butt...
Got a few people coming tomorrow for fish and plants...
Weather is finally going to get more typical for the season as it is moving into the 70s and on up to the 80s this weekend...
I worked bingo tonight and am now ready to go to bed...goodnight all!...
Happy Aquariuming,