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Cloudy,Cool and Windy Saturday

Started by wsantia1, March 04, 2023, 05:13:45 PM

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Good evening folks. Liz and Barb I hope you are OK. It's been a busy day for me and I am just getting back in the house after spending nearly two hours visiting Hans. What a great guy. He just moved into another new place and he has a lot of work to do to bring this place up to par. I will say the place has plenty of room and potential.

He did have about 50 tanks up and running along with his water changing system. I did pick up six 2.5 inch discus that I forgot what they were called but they are reddish/orange. He has several mated pairs and a few had fry eating from the bodies. I never saw that before.

I am now tired and need to eat something.     

Too Many Fish. Not Enough Tanks.


Hi Willie, I'm glad that you made the leap.  If they're reddish orange they're probably Pigeon Bloods of some type.  They probably have a fancy name.  All breeders give their Discus fancy names.

It was cooler today, but still nice.  It was sunny and in the low 70's.  Not quite shorts weather but still very nice out.  We never did get a drop of rain.

I couldn't stand how unkempt my little Pip was looking.  There's something called "spay coat" which happens to the hair after a bitch is spayed.  They grow way more undercoat and less strong outercoat.  It doesn't happen to them all, but it happened to Pip.  Yesterday evening I lifter her fat butt into the grooming tub and gave her a good wash, conditioning and blow dry/brush out.  That was enough.  So this morning I lifter her fat ass onto the grooming table and gave her a good hair cut.  It's a good trim, but she's so fat she looks like a pin head.  She likes it, though, and of course I made a big fuss over her and told her that she was beautiful.

Then I made a couple of boxes.  I have one going out Monday and the other Tuesday.  Except for making a creamy broccoli pasta dish for lunch I've done nothing but play with fish.  What the heck.  I'm retired, and besides, it's Saturday.
Always move forward. Never look back.

Ron Sower

Good to see you two had a good day...so did I...the whole day with Gary never got boring and we had 12 enthusiastic ppl at our lunch gathering and 21 at our shared dinner gathering...this guy is bubbling over with knowledge, and not just 'bows...prior to getting involved with them, he was a killie breeder...!

Tomorrow is a little less strenuous...but will probably have more ppl at the general meeting...

Time for bed...I hope to get on here again tomorrow night...
Happy Aquariuming,