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Happy Thursday

Started by wsantia1, March 02, 2023, 05:30:33 AM

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Good morning everyone. It's going to be another nice day here with the current temp at 44 degrees and getting up to a high of 65F after a brief storm moves through. We will have a mixed weather pattern over the next 10 days with a lot of rain in that mix. Typical spring weather for these parts.

Not much on the agenda today so I can continue some fishroom work after doing some light grocery shopping and house cleaning this morning.

Hopefully you all will have a great day. I'll check in later.

Too Many Fish. Not Enough Tanks.

Ron Sower

Good morning!...

We're at 40 right now and going to about 50, cloudy and rainy...Saturday and Sunday are going to be sunnier and warmer...

This morning we'll do a little housecleaning then play pegs and jokers this afternoon....
I'll need to move a few fish around a little bit...

That's all for me right now...have a good happy aquariuming day, folks!...

Happy Aquariuming,


Hi guys and Liz, it is warmish and cloudy here today.  Rain was expected and I was looking forward to it, to wash away all the yellow pine pollen that is covering everything.  But alas, only enough to wet the ground for a minute.  Hope for more.  Liz how are your fire ant stings?  If that was me I would have had to go to the ER. 

I am almost over the flu but still a bit puny.  But I am getting a few things done around the house now and a bit outside.   You guys are always busy, a good thing I think.  I like to be busy, and doing things with friends is always nice.  Must admit to loneliness though.  It is no fun to be sick with no hubby to take care of me.  But at least I am good at taking care of myself.  My 3 cats look out for me I hope.  At least they keep me company!  Lucy is on my lap as I write this.

You all have a good eve, and Liz watch out for the storms heading your way!


Hi friends.  It was another day in the 80's.  Everyone who has allergies is full of snot.  I'm lucky.  I'm not allergic.  I sent of my last box of the week today, and except for posting another auction and tidying the kitchen I've taken the rest of the day off.  I'll make myself get off my ass tomorrow.  I promise.

Willie, both your house and the fish room must be shining by now.  You've put in a lot of work on both.  I worked so much on making boxes, bagging, packing and shipping that both of mine need some serious work again.

Barb, was hoping you'd check in with us today.  Have you heard from Al yet.  A guy won the cone you donated for the contest.  Thanks for doing that.  My arm isn't bothering me anymore although there's still a bit of swelling.  I wasn't crazy about it after the pustules formed and started to break open yesterday but it didn't hurt.    The big bad storms will be north of me.  We have a good chance of thorms tomorrow and the temps will drop into the mid 70's.  I hope it does rain.  It's not bone dry here, but we could use some rain.

I'll see y'all tomorrow.  Have a good evening, everyone.

Always move forward. Never look back.