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Happy Hump Day and March 1st

Started by wsantia1, March 01, 2023, 04:34:57 AM

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Good morning everyone. We are finally through with February and soon we will officially welcome Spring. I am so glad that this Winter is almost over even though it has been a mild one for me.

I spent yesterday catching up on my fish room duties and totally forgot to post so I am getting in an early post before I forget again. Hopefully Barb is getting over the flu and everyone else is feeling good today.

We are going to have a decent day with the current temp at 35 degrees and the high temp forecasted to be 51. We will have plenty of sunshine and light winds so it will feel much better than the temps would indicate. I'll make the best of it either way. 

I still have plenty of work to do in the fish room so I will get a lot of that out of the way this morning and then I can relax for the rest of the day.

Wishing you all a great day and I'll check in on you all later.

Too Many Fish. Not Enough Tanks.


Good morning Willie and friends, I see you are up very early today!  I feel better today, hope to be back to normal in a few more days.  I took a Covid test last night expecting it to be positive but it was not, thank goodness.  My kids both told me my symptoms sounded like Covid, but they are not.

Young discus have been in with the big ones for a week now, all is great in that tank except for one more that needs to be culled.  It is the last of the 3 who arrived here in bad shape.  Poor little things couldn't overcome their trauma.  I did all I could to save them. 

You all have a good day and I am glad Feb. is over.  It was a tough month for me except for my trip of course. 

Ron Sower

Good morning!...

I guess we're all on the same page in the same day now!... ;)

It's gonna be another busy day for me here... My plant order arriving...presentation on shell dwellers to the high school club...and shipping plants...

Yesterday our high temp was 61 and it was sunny so felt even warmer in the sun...today it will be in the mid-50s and cloudy...big difference...! |brr| I know...I'm whining! ;D

I'm glad you're feeling better, Barb....Willie, keep up with the good fish room work today...Liz, I'm wishing you luck with your shipment... Dennis, hope you're doing well,... And Greg, the same with you...

Have a good day, my web-based friends...
Happy Aquariuming,


Good morning friends.  I'm just wasting a little time before I bag up my baby discus and ship them off.  I seem to be on a roll.  My $1000. just emailed and said he'd be sending me money this week.  He wants 50 Blacks and 50 Dutch blues.  As soon as I think that he's changed his mind he arrives again, just when I need them.  I'm saving up for fake teeth.  The best ones are $1700.  I will be well on my way to being able to smile again.  Who'd ever have thought?

My neighbor put an open bale of straw out in the pasture.  It's been there for months and it's obvious that he didn't have any use for it.  Every day when I'd ride up to check the mail on my scooter, I'd stop on my way home and get a flake of straw to use as mulch.  I did it yesterday and the bale was full of big fire ants.  I didn't know until they were all over my arm.  Boy, did I get bitten.  My lower arm got swollen and red.  The swelling makes my arm look very muscular.  The swelling and pustules make it look muscular like it used to be.  Despite that, it doesn't bother me much. 

I stayed up late (for me) last night.  My best pair of Black Rams always spawn after lights out and I always miss it.  I made myself stay up.  I knew they were about to get it on.  The dogs kept bugging me wondering why we were all not in bed.  Finally the pair spawned.  I snagged the eggs and they're now in a pitcher of RO.

Barb, it's good to hear that you're feeling better.  Ron, have fun with the high school kids.  Willie, don't wear yourself out with fish room work.

Always move forward. Never look back.