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Rainy Friday

Started by wsantia1, September 30, 2022, 06:40:24 AM

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Good morning everyone. Hopefully you all are safe and well. It is currently a cloudy 57 degrees with rain moving in this afternoon and sticking around all weekend. They say that we need the rain but I'm sure that we don't need as much as we are going to get.

This will be a fishroom cleanup day and hopefully it doesn't take up all day. It's funny how quickly I mess up the fishroom after I clean it. I need to do better. Ideally I would finish the fishroom and then start house cleaning but that will be a bit much. House work will be started tomorrow. huh

I have to go to the garden store and pick up some Mums. I had a couple of mums that would come up every year but the landscapers dug them up. I was pissed when it happened but it was probably their time to be replaced.

Let me go get started on my work. Have a great day everyone.

Too Many Fish. Not Enough Tanks.

Ron Sower

Hi Willie and the rest of you as you get on board...

No rain here...83 right now and going to 94 later today, and sunny...I got up around 7 and read for 45 minutes...then, since Lucy wasn't up yet I went out on our patio area, fed the guppies, swordtails and metallicus and played some online Scrabble...

Looks like just a few orders today and I'll get them out by myself...then, like you Willie, I'll do some cleaning in the fishroom...a little bit each day is better than a big bunch at once...I'm looking forward to seeing Dean and some of our members at dinner tonight...Lucy is going to a dance at the clubhouse with a bunch of the gals here...

Barb, you still high and dry?

Happy Friday and happy aquariuming everyone... ;D
Happy Aquariuming,


Hi guys, it has been raining here almost non stop for 24 hrs.  For my area the wind has not been too bad, just a steady blowing but not enough to scare me.  But a whole lot of rain!  This is the slowest moving hurricane I have ever been in.  And that is too many to count.  My pond has had a 100% wc, maybe more.  I wonder how the fish like the all rainwater instead of my liquid rock hose water?  Quite a change.  All the french drains I have put in around my very flat yard have worked perfectly.  Not a bit of standing water anywhere.  And my compost piles got a good watering after the long hot summer.  I feel so sorry for the folks in FL who have lost everything.  You all have a good night. Liz I tried calling you 2 times but no answer.  I have not lost power, hope this continues the rest of this storm.


Forgive me Barb.  My phone and I were in different places. 

I woke up this morning aware that I had planned on going to the health dept.  Devil on my shoulder reminded that it was the last thing I wanted to do.  I agreed with the devil.

Charlotte's pedicurist came in the morning.  I did a whole lot of nothing exciting the rest of the day.

It's chilly in the morning and warm in the evening.  Still not a drop of rain in sight.  I'm going to give the veggie garden a soaking for hrs tomorrow.

I put up 3 auctions on AB this morning but nothing has come of it so far other than a couple of inquiries.  I'm just waiting right now for my water storage containers to fill back up so I can have a nice bath.
Always move forward. Never look back.

Ron Sower

I spent the morning figuring out how to scan again! ;D ...this afternoon we set up some more vacation time so we can use our vacation points before we get everything transferred over to the new program...

Looks Like Dean is coming later than expected...he'll be getting into town about 8:30, so I went ahead and had a pizza with Mis Lucy...we'll still meet and have a good chat time!...

Goodnight ball!...
Happy Aquariuming,