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Cooler Sunday

Started by LizStreithorst, September 04, 2022, 11:37:45 AM

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It will  be cloudy all day today which is nice because the temp will only hit 81 (87 heat index, though).  I'll see if I can do without AC today but I bet I'll be turning one on in mid afternoon.

My scooter did what it was supposed to do today when I took the babies for their morning run which is a relief.  The batteries for this thing are $250!

My repeat customer bought another pair of Black rams.  I'll be sending him 4 pairs of Discus and 4 pairs of Blacks.  A lady bought my 2 auctions on AB.  She got a group of little Discus and Dutch Blue ram pairs.  I'll be sending out 3 boxes Tuesday and 3 boxes Wednesday.  That's enough stress for one week.  My God it is such a relief not to be hurting for money.  I have lots more fish to sell.  I hope the demand for them remains strong.

I need to go to the LPS either next week or the week after.  I'll take them some Dutch Blues because I have too many to sell on AB because the demand for them is not what it is for the Blacks.  I have some Gold rams for them, too and perhaps a few Mystery snails.  They bought me out for BN and although I have a lot of them I want to keep them for making babies.  I have babies now, but BN take a long time to grow.  Winter is coming and I need some more heaters.  I also need sponge filters to replace the ones I bought from Angels Plus years ago.

I'd been worried about my Mystery snails because they'd quit reproducing.  But finally got a nice egg clutch a week ago.  They hatched out today. 

I need to run to the supermarket for beer and a few other things.  When I get back home I'll make a few more boxes.

That's all for me.  I look forward to seeing what it up with y'all.  Barb, did you enjoy your ferry ride?

Always move forward. Never look back.


Greetings Liz and everyone. I hope you are all well. The heat and humidity are back with us in Delmarva today but it doesn't bother me because of how great the weather was over that last few days.

Today we are a more seasonable 88 degrees with a feels like temp of 93F. The dew point is at 67 so we are starting to get a bit sticky.

I've been playing with the shrimp tanks and today I broke down the red shrimp tank. There were only 11 red shrimp left but due how bright red they were I decided to spare them from the food tank and I gave them a new 5 gallon tank.

I'll throw some Java Moss in the tank with them and they should have no problems finding food. At the end of this process I'll have only taken 1 shrimp tank offline but all of the other shrimp tanks will be more efficiently run.

Wishing everyone a great day and Ill check n you all a little later.

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Too Many Fish. Not Enough Tanks.


Hi folks, here I am after a few days gone.  Feeling better today.  My boat ride at the beach yesterday was great! It was a new boat ride for me, the 2 decker boat held 200 people but only about 30 were aboard.  I wanted to sit on the upper deck so had to climb about 12 steps up, then down later.  It is the first time in maybe 20 years my legs have not hurt!!  Not one pain.  And i had to walk about 4 blocks to and from the dock  from where I parked.  No pain at all, just hot and tired.  It was 90 and humid, but nice out in the ocean.

I read all your posts from the last few days, so I am up on all your fish business.  Liz, those batteries are indeed expensive, but sounds like you need one.  When you charge it up and it runs down fast, that is your sign to get a new one.  Mine holds 2 big heavy batteries.They seem to last a couple yrs. before needing new ones.  I also am battling duckweed, in my Endler tank.  Must be a million of them in there.

Here is a pic I took early this morning before the sun was up high, so you can see why I am always talking about rain, drought, hose watering, etc.  This is only part of my gardens which I have on all 4 sides of my house.  This is the big one, by my pond.  You will see Naked Ladies blooming, dark red blooms, here they are called New Bern Lilies, an explorer brought some of the bulbs here from Japan a very long time ago, over 200 yrs ago I think I heard.


Those are beautiful flowers Barb.  |^| |^| |^| |^| |^|

Too Many Fish. Not Enough Tanks.


My sorry gardens never have and never look anything like yours, Barb.
Always move forward. Never look back.

Ron Sower

Hi gang!...

Sunny and clear at 105 right now...more heat on the way this week...

I've spent the morning moving the plants from the tank I'm selling tomorrow into the 10g tanks in the fishroom...it's taken several hours because of some cleaning, etc...most of the water is out and tomorrow I start early and drain the rest of it and clean it up a little...I told him to bring help because I can't lift much..working with the 10s and 5s today was so easy...

I've netted some Vienna guppies out of the outdoor tank and moved them indoors to a 5g, and did the same with some metallicus livebearers...now it will be easier to net and bag them for the swap...and for the ARK meeting auction the night before....this is going to be a busy week!...

The pvc piping for the air is close to the ceiling and I cannot reach the valve stems to adjust airflow going to the filters without using a 2-step ladder...sooooo...I took a 3' dowel rod and notched a slit in one end and now can adjust them easily while standing on the floor...that came to me last night as I was drifting off to sleep...!

Barb, your garden is beautiful...I meant to ask before if you are a Master Gardener...I showed Lucy your pics and she thought they were wonderful too!...that's probably the only thing I miss not living in western Washington...we did have nice plantings...your boat ride sounds like fun, and I'm so glad your pain is gone...what a good break for you...

Willie, what do you do with your excess shrimp and fish?...i don't remember you mentioning taking them to LFS...oh, wait a minute...you take them to club auctions, don't you?... Liz is killing it with AB...

Last light we learned a new card/board game with the 2 couples that came over...Tripoli...Lucy and I came out the big-time winners...beginner's luck I suppose ;D ;D ;D

So tonight we're having a couple for spaghetti dinner...I browned the meat for Lucy to put in her marinara sauce and it smells so damn good!!! |eat| |eat| |eat|...the only problem is that they won't be here til 6 and I'd love to have some now... :D

That's it for now..good to see all here today... |^|
Happy Aquariuming,