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Labor Day Monday

Started by Barb, September 05, 2022, 06:28:52 AM

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Hi everybody, Happy Labor Day!  Are you all laborinng today, at home of course?  My "labor" starts in awhile when I go out to water for at least 1 hr.  I want to keep my gardens alive into fall.  But it is once again so dry.  As usual this time of year i could do with cactus out there.  Ron do you have lots of them in your yard?  No I am not a master gardener but could be if I wanted to.  Here the MG's have to devote a LOT of time to doing volunteer work around the city in  public gardens. I don't have the time or inclination to do that, I want to concentrate on my gardens, not others.  Hope that isn't wrong?  But I am heavily involved with my garden club for 23 yrs now.  Have been a club officer most of that time too.  Pres. for 6 yrs straight.  VP now.

Liz keep up the good fish breeding/selling, that is great for you!  Willie glad to hear you have all those different shrimp going, I have not a single one now.  At one time, a few years ago I had so many Cherry shrimp I was having to throw them out or use as fish food.  Don't know what happened.  I can do Discus but not shrimp apparently. lol.  I sure enjoy my little pond, with 5 goldfish and 1 Koi.  Wish it was a lot bigger but my pond digging days are over.  I did 5 or more, at 3 different homes.  Dug tons of dirt with a simple garden shovel.  Have to protect my new hip now.
Have a good day,


Happy Labor Day Barb and everyone. I'm not doing much today that involves labor though I will mess with a tank or two if I see something that needs to be addressed. On my initial feeding walk through of the fishroom everything looks good so no need to roll up the sleeves.

It is currently 79 degrees and the forecast calls for temps to climb into the high 80s. Tonight that same forecast calls for rain lasting through tomorrow night. We shall see if that happens because we haven't had an all night rainfall this year that I can remember.

Ron I am not active on AB except as a buyer and I haven't done that in quite a while. I sell most of my fish to club members but occasionally I sell them to a local fish store. I used to have one local store that took all of my fish and we had a good thing going but he couldn't compete with Petsmart or Petco even though he had much better fish and equipment for sale.

Barb I really don't have much going in the shrimp department. My yellow shrimp population is probably ok but the blues and reds are very low in numbers. Maybe they will pick up the breeding pace now that they are in a new location in the fishroom.

Liz you have a really good thing going on AB and that's because you have great fish at reasonable prices. I addition to all of that you have a great reputation.

Wishing you all a great holiday.


Too Many Fish. Not Enough Tanks.


Good morning my friends.  Yes, I'm doing super well on AB right now.  I'm lucky enough to be breeding fish there is a demand for.  I would love to try my hand at breeding Altums but as things stand now I'm hard up for tank space.  When the demand for Rams goes down they will be the next fish I'll try my hand at.  My repeat customer who has spent hundreds of dollars with me has my Rams in his Altum Angel tank.  I need to ask him for a pic.  I bet that tank is a beautiful sight to behold.

Barb, I wish I had a pretty garden like yours.  I never have and I never will.  I get away with the way this place looks by saying that it's a wildlife refuge.  It's actually true with all my deer, butterflies, and birds.  But it would be pretty if it were manicured, and it's the opposite.

I've got all my boxes made and labels printed for shipping tomorrow.  I always make sure that my ducks are in a row so I don't screw something up.  I don't mind the box making, and taking the boxes to Boe's and using UPS makes shipping much less stressful.  UPS has got their problems straightened out so I trust them again.  My greatest worry is making a mistake myself. 

Most of Mississippi has rain today and tomorrow but they say all we will have is overcast for both days.  Like a fool, I have laundry hanging out.  I'm waiting for the 3rd load to get done so I can it out, too.  I know damn well that nothing will get dry since it's cool and we won't have even a peep of the sun.  I'll end up bringing it in and putting it all in the dryer, but I love using the solar dryer.  It makes me smile when I look through the office window and see stuff drying on my "rustic" fence.

Barb, I don't want to push you into anything, but you really should buy some baby Discus later this month.  UPS is doing right again and I doubt that I'll have any thing for you when you visit in the Spring.  You could come down now...the price is gas is not terribly bad.  But I know it will screw up your PT schedule.  Think about it.

I'm headed out now to cut slits in that big piece of cardboard the water heater came in.  I opened it up and put it in the veggie garden.  I have broccoli plants that want to go in the ground.
Always move forward. Never look back.