Mugwump's Fish World

THE POND-THE FRESHWATER PLACE => Ponds, Pools and their habitants => Topic started by: P4Angels on March 05, 2013, 02:18:12 AM

Title: craigslist fish pond
Post by: P4Angels on March 05, 2013, 02:18:12 AM
While searching through craigslist we found an old 1970's satellite disc (larger the life one).   Laid it on cinder blocks leveled it added water from our water changes to it.  Through in some Sarasa Comets (See Below).


I looked on youtube and found hundreds of ideas for a filter system and ended up with a bucket fill of lava rock siting on top of and other bucket in the middle of the pond.  That circulate the water and provides them with enough aeration.

For plants we had water lilies, frog bit, and duckweed.   When we cleaned it out last fall we had frog bit with 12 inches roots on them.

Our only incident last year was when one of out dachshunds decided he wanted to get a drink and fell in took us a minute to stop laughing to rescue the him poor guy.  Lori and I still chuckle about that from time to time. 

We took them out for the winter and have had them in the fish room.  When the weather permits and the temperature in the Dish is above 50 degrees we will accumulate them and send them out for there second season. 
Title: Re: craigslist fish pond
Post by: Mugwump on March 05, 2013, 05:45:48 AM
Cool...did you paint it blue or green??..... ;D
Title: Re: craigslist fish pond
Post by: b125killer on March 05, 2013, 07:31:37 AM
That's such a good ideal. How many gallons is it?
Title: Re: craigslist fish pond
Post by: Barb on March 05, 2013, 11:29:35 AM
Good recycling!  Did you line it or paint it before putting in water and fish?  Can we see a pic in the Spring?
Title: Re: craigslist fish pond
Post by: P4Angels2 on March 05, 2013, 01:25:51 PM
Funny thing had a picture of something blue already on it..we just started dumping our fish room water into it...then got a few of those cute little comets...threw them in the "pond" and for about 2 months we didn't see any sign of them...then 1 day out of the blue I threw in some pond food and sure enough they started to surface to eat.....we were pleasantly surprised..we had been adding excess frog bit and some duck weed in to protect them from birds and other critters...and then we gave a way some of the frog bit and come to find out we gave away 6 little new born fishes too.....but then we weren't sure so we pulled them in for the winter and are itching to get them back outside....the tank they are in is stinky but they seem happy and content and are pigs when it comes to feeding time!!! Never thought that I would like gold fish but these guys are worth the fun of watching how active they are!!!