Mugwump's Fish World

Other topics and Interests => THE LOUNGE => Topic started by: Mugwump on April 10, 2013, 07:39:52 AM

Title: Build an Ark, Noah......
Post by: Mugwump on April 10, 2013, 07:39:52 AM
Wind, Rain, Sleet, gale force winds, Lightning, thunder.....yada, it's pouring out there...Look out's headed your way... ;D
Title: Re: Build an Ark, Noah......
Post by: b125killer on April 10, 2013, 08:54:53 AM
Now would be a good time to collect rain water. At least it's not snow yet.
Title: Re: Build an Ark, Noah......
Post by: PaulineMi on April 10, 2013, 09:00:30 AM
I hear ya Jon. We've had a few inches of rain, lightening and thunder,high winds and flood warnings. Our lake is up from where it was just two days ago! And they're predicting "snow showers" for tomorrow.

To add to the craziness my dog is convinced if he runs around like a maniac barking at a storm he's able to chase it away.  :o.  And they're predicting three days of this weather.

Edit:  it's now pouring rain.

Another Edit:  Weatherman just said we may get 4" of rain now.
Title: Re: Build an Ark, Noah......
Post by: Mugwump on April 10, 2013, 10:33:17 AM
When it thunders, our Aussie, Heidi, goes to the guest room, and hides just her head under the bed....she's nuts, but it scares time a loud clap of thunder/lightning hit close and she jumped in my lap...........hard.....scared me too....LOL
Title: Re: Build an Ark, Noah......
Post by: shatanka on April 10, 2013, 10:55:47 AM
I had a goofy golden retriever that would get so scared from the "thunder monsters" in EVERY STORM, that he destroyed things. Last shot...he went through the back door (with teeth and nails I guess, i dunno, but somehow he tore a huge hole through the door) ! I am thinking..ok, why the heck would dig a hole in my door to GO OUT into the storm where it was thundering right out to where HIS FEAR is coming from? LOL  NOT A SMART DOG! lol  And when he got out, HE TORE UP MY WELL PUMP AND PLUMBING AND OMG...I had to call a plumber out to fix that! grrr  WE HAD NO WATER!  Needless to say, I had to find him a new home. I told the people that bought him about this "idiosyncrasy" ( idioticness is more correct in this case). But, they loved him and bought him anyway. He was a beautiful boy...I did love him so much, but that destruction...was the last straw.  Cost me over $200 for the plumber to fix the well and tank and pipes, and $300+ for a new door.
I guess you all should be glad your just jump into your laps and scare you, or hide their heads under beds, or try to bark the storms away! HA HA!!  I think that is hilarious!
Title: Re: Build an Ark, Noah......
Post by: BillT on April 10, 2013, 11:49:45 AM
My dog is inclined to bite fireworks.
Fortunately we have been able to restrain him from the larger ones.
Title: Re: Build an Ark, Noah......
Post by: Frank The Plumber on April 10, 2013, 11:50:56 AM
I had told quite a few people that April and May of this year would be monsoon rains, check your pumps, replace them if they are over 6 years old. They looked at me like I was a criminal trying to con them. 42 calls so far today at 11:30. All with water in the basement, each swearing at me when I tell them I am backed up 4 days solid now changing sump pumps. I hate this weather, everyone I deal with on a day like this is all PO'd. BTW we are in for 3 more inches this week and we will get far above average rainfall all through until June. God evens things out that way. Change your sump pumps if they are more than 6 years old and if you have battery backups change the batteries at 5 years old. AND DO NOT GO WALKING INTO THE WATER IN A FLOODED BASEMENT!! You'll get tagged and pass out and drown in 3 inches of water face first. Not a nice way to go.
Title: Re: Build an Ark, Noah......
Post by: Mugwump on April 10, 2013, 12:02:40 PM
I pulled the old pump last fall, and put in a new's not hard, but can be cramped dependent upon where it's located....I don't envy you, Frank....I seen some 'beaut sump locations....what in the hell were those builders thinking....or even finished basements that were done with no regard for how to get to sump, elec panel, etc....cripes...
Title: Re: Build an Ark, Noah......
Post by: sschind on April 10, 2013, 12:53:47 PM
RIIIIIIIIIGHT...Whats a cubit?
Title: Re: Build an Ark, Noah......
Post by: Frank The Plumber on April 10, 2013, 01:00:43 PM
A little square sort of a car that Nissan makes?
Title: Re: Build an Ark, Noah......
Post by: LizStreithorst on April 10, 2013, 04:33:50 PM
I had a Mastiff that tried to get into the clothes dryer to hide.  Guess what?  He didn't fit.  Later, he got into the bathtub and later still tried to get out through the bathroom window.

An insignificant other other of mine said that his step father told him that somehow dogs attract lightning.  Doesn't sound logical, but I wonder...It's my large dogs that are most afraid.  The only small dog I have that panics is a Rat Terrier who was thrown away by it's owners and had to live a vacant lot exposed to everything.
Title: Re: Build an Ark, Noah......
Post by: greydragon on April 10, 2013, 04:52:01 PM
atleast with all the storms your fish must be spawning real well now    lol
Title: Re: Build an Ark, Noah......
Post by: Frank The Plumber on April 10, 2013, 05:09:17 PM
Dogs attract lightning......snicker. What kind of collar was he using?
Title: Re: Build an Ark, Noah......
Post by: LizStreithorst on April 10, 2013, 05:24:49 PM
I know that it sounds unlikely, Frank, but other animals aren't afraid of electrical storms.  My Dairy Goats never went crazy.  My horses don't go crazy.  Cattle don't go crazy.  Just dogs.  Large dogs in particular.  I ain't sayin' it's a fact, but I'm not about to write it off. 

Think about it and give me an explanation why even inside dogs go nutso. 
Title: Re: Build an Ark, Noah......
Post by: Mugwump on April 10, 2013, 06:31:47 PM
Abby, our GSD, doesn't mind storms, but doesn't care for very high howling winds...Heidi was never afraid of anything until about a year ago....I think a big clap woke her up or something???..who knows?,,she's nuts anyway....LOL
Title: Re: Build an Ark, Noah......
Post by: PaulineMi on April 10, 2013, 06:43:14 PM
Older dogs can become noise sensitive as they age.
Title: Re: Build an Ark, Noah......
Post by: shatanka on April 10, 2013, 06:56:39 PM
I am wondering if the electrical charge produced by storms has anything to do with it?  But, it's the noise that freaked mine out. He'd start crawling up your behind the second he heard a clap of thunder miles away even. Maybe it's both?
I see those snuggy type jacket things now for dogs afraid of thunder. I can't for the life of me see how that works though. I would hold mine to comfort him and he'd be wiggling and crawling and clawing...that secure pressure that these jacket things seem to claim is what calms them, would NOT work on this dog!
I'm crackin' up about your Mastiff trying to crawl inside the dryer and not fitting, Liz! OMG lol I am just picturing that whole thing! lol  I am seeing pooh bear getting stuck in the honey tree..butt sticking that what he looked like? lol  Loved your choice of words with "An insignificant other other of mine"!!!!  HA HA HA. You so funny woman!
Title: Re: Build an Ark, Noah......
Post by: PaulineMi on April 10, 2013, 07:33:44 PM
I think dogs are sensitive to barometric changes.
Title: Re: Build an Ark, Noah......
Post by: Frank The Plumber on April 11, 2013, 04:02:05 PM
I think it was Cloud the story of a wild Mustang that had in it that a lot of wild horses get hit by lightning. I know pigs and cows get nailed, I saw a hog take a direct hit in a thunderstorm. One of the freakiest things I ever saw in my life was that big pig just standing there after it got lit up. For about 5 minutes it stood there tense and then it just fell over legs out stretched stiff. Like a toy pig in a farm toy set. Yikes. My little brother was there and after it fell over he says real loud....BACON.

You can use those thunder jackets that the cow chutes designer lady sells, those work real good.
Title: Re: Build an Ark, Noah......
Post by: PaulineMi on April 11, 2013, 04:12:49 PM
My dog has a Thundershirt.  He loves it but he still runs around like a maniac barking at the storm. Lol.