Mugwump's Fish World

Other topics and Interests => THE LOUNGE => Topic started by: Jo on December 05, 2012, 06:08:01 AM

Title: Hi!
Post by: Jo on December 05, 2012, 06:08:01 AM
Hey everyone,

I've had a really hard week. Last Tuesday we came home and our little girl min pin Jeze did not come running when we called her. My hubby finally found her up against house she had diarrhea all over her she was throwing up, foaming at the mouth, cold and in shock. She would not respond at all. We took her to ER in Memphis. They hooked her up to IV and said it was pancreatic attack and she was dehydrated. I was so afraid she would die! She spent the night there and we picked her up next morning and took to our regular vet and they kept her on IV all day. She came home that night and was much better but still not herself. I had to take her back the next morning for the vet to check her again. She is well now and am so thankful to still have her. She is a precious little dog. It was crazy though because I was home for lunch that Tuesday from 1:45 - 2:45 and she was fine, but sometime between then and 5:00 something happened. Still don't know what. Then Sunday night we were woke to find out hubby's Dad was in hospital, he came back home that night and is fine now.

This is her and Gideon watching over her the night she came home.
Title: Re: Hi!
Post by: Mugwump on December 05, 2012, 06:15:46 AM
It's good that she's ok now....maybe she ate something outside?? of ours got weird and had eaten some baby rabbits out back....nice to see you back..
Title: Re: Hi!
Post by: Jo on December 05, 2012, 06:22:12 AM
Thanks Jon. She did eat a flyswatter. I forgot to put that in. The ER had us looking at her poop wanting to know what little white hard things were. My hubby finally figured it was flyswatter we keep on patio when we sit out there. Sure enough when we got home we found the handle with flap gone not far from where she was laying. Crazy dog!
Title: Re: Hi!
Post by: b125killer on December 05, 2012, 06:26:14 AM
sound like you had a rough week. I'm  Glade everything is going good for little girl and your husbands dad is ok.
Title: Re: Hi!
Post by: LizStreithorst on December 05, 2012, 07:20:23 AM
I'm glad everyone is fine now. I'm sure they told you at the vets to be very careful of what you give her to eat from now on.  Once a dog has a bout of pancriatitis they become more suceptable to another.
Title: Re: Hi!
Post by: Jo on December 05, 2012, 08:40:21 AM
Thanks Scott it has been tough. Hubby's dad is 83. We both lost are Mom's 2 years ago his in Oct. mine in Dec. Pop is what I call him he has had 3 triple bypasses, a brain tumor removed .... list goes on and on but he just keeps going. He is kinda handicapped from brain tumor his leg doesn't work to well. He uses a walker all the time. He has 3 children so every third night we are over there. He is the most special man! I love him dearly. Randy my hubby took him and his brother to Casino thanksgiving weekend and he won $1200.00 so I have to aggravate him about that LOL.
Title: Re: Hi!
Post by: Jo on December 05, 2012, 08:43:52 AM
Thank you Liz. The vet said feed her the ID food for 2 days and then go back to Eukanuba. My Gideon got sick (nothing like Jeze) a couple of years ago and he can only eat the ID now. I was wondering if the same would happen with her. She is doing well on her regular food now, but misses that canned food. LOL I will have to get some more for them both. She is still taking Flagyl, today is her last day with that.
Title: Re: Hi!
Post by: ilroost on December 05, 2012, 03:47:05 PM
good to see you back on here jo. so glad everything is ok
Title: Re: Hi!
Post by: Jo on December 05, 2012, 04:27:22 PM
Thank you!
Title: Re: Hi!
Post by: Mir on December 06, 2012, 09:20:22 AM
Oh no, that's so sad! poor Jeze... I'm glad everyone is all right! <3
Title: Re: Hi!
Post by: Jo on December 06, 2012, 09:33:34 AM
Thanks everyone she is all back to her nosy happy little self now!
Title: Re: Hi!
Post by: BallAquatics on December 06, 2012, 10:05:21 AM
That's great news Jo!  That's a great photo too...  all snuggled in with her protector watching over her.
