Mugwump's Fish World

Other topics and Interests => THE LOUNGE => Topic started by: Mugwump on May 20, 2014, 07:19:32 PM

Title: Hail, hail the storms are here....
Post by: Mugwump on May 20, 2014, 07:19:32 PM
...what the heck do we...............

Yowser!!!!!.....hail, high winds, blinding rain, dark as night......WOW....our storms made a grand entrance.................Jan's by the back door screaming at it to stop hailing on the garden...dang, it worked !!! ;D   also, she just got her new plants in the mail....blueberry, raspberry, some great perennials....... ;D     she got those planted too, earlier......I think everything will survive tho....she'll likely give you all an update later, after the hail vigil...... ;D
Title: Re: Hail, hail the storms are here....
Post by: BillT on May 20, 2014, 07:21:04 PM
Wow. You guys get all the excitement.

Boring weather here, but high pollen.
Title: Re: Hail, hail the storms are here....
Post by: LizStreithorst on May 20, 2014, 07:34:29 PM
We' get it here next, I bet.  We won't have hail but we'll have the rain and winds.  The trees to the west of my house are strong and straight, but I still worry when we have big winds...

Tell Jan that the Blueberris and Blackberries will be fine. They are survivors/
Title: Re: Hail, hail the storms are here....
Post by: wiggs on May 20, 2014, 07:45:06 PM
Well I guess everything is O.K. All I could think of when it started to hail, was I couldn`t go out and throw my body between the hail and my tomatoes because of the lightening.. GRRRR!! So I stood at the back door and yelled at the storm to stop with the hail, it could Rain But No Hail !!! It seemed to work, It stopped hailing and just rained, which we needed.  Thanks Liz for letting me know that my Blueberries will be O.K. This is the first time that I have had any and the little leaves are still tender. Now to make sure my car is O.K.  ;)
Title: Re: Hail, hail the storms are here....
Post by: LizStreithorst on May 20, 2014, 08:31:41 PM
They are strong,  They will be fine as long as you planted them right and the variety is good for up north.  Down south we plant the high buss types. Yours should be low bush and be right for your climate.  Your tomatoes will put out new growth if the roots are happy and the tops weren't beat to the ground.  You'll get a bushier plant, fewer, but more tomatoes.

Good luck on with the car.  Do y'all not have a garage?  I don't have one but it's high on my list.  I need it for my new old truck.
Title: Re: Hail, hail the storms are here....
Post by: Mugwump on May 20, 2014, 08:45:37 PM
just a single car......the Tahoe's in there now....we've thought about re-doing it to a tandem garage tho.....not ideal, but it would work?
Title: Re: Hail, hail the storms are here....
Post by: EdKaz on May 20, 2014, 09:20:33 PM
Got a lil dark and windy here, but EVERYTHING passed just north of us.
Batten down the hatches........Looks like more headin your way in a Little bit John