Mugwump's Fish World

Other topics and Interests => THE LOUNGE => Topic started by: Ron Sower on January 06, 2024, 09:51:55 AM

Title: Saturday and cold!
Post by: Ron Sower on January 06, 2024, 09:51:55 AM
Good morning!

Waking up to 38 degree weather just ain't my cup-o-tea, so I'll have an eggnog latte to get me started! Lucy is the best barista I know! She got a Nespresso machine recently and I'm enjoying the fruits of her labors.

I read your post from yesterday, Barb. I'm glad you're home and back to normal. BTW...I never quit selling plants. It's still a big part of my business. I just quit selling them online and shipping them all over. Picking up a pet store for reselling has really increased my volume and helps me with more consistent ordering times. I might be picking up another one too. My clientele is all local.

We now have all our Xmas stuff put away. All that's left to do is rehang the pictures back on the walls in the house. I sure we'll find an "oops" somewhere that we missed and I'll  have to take it out to the shed and put it in one of the Xmas storage totes.

Lucy's been sick with a cold or something. She's finally getting better. So far I'm good and keeping my fingers crossed I don't get it. There's been a lot of respiratory illness in our community this winter so far. Some of our friends even have pneumonia. They wait too long to seek aid.

I recently acquired some new fishes and one species is the Spotted Borneo Hillstream Loach. Pretty cool little fellers. I'm going to put one in the club auction Sunday. If it doesn't get my minimum bid, I'll keep it to sell from home or go into one of my two 75g display tanks.

When Mike orders fish next week I'm getting him to get 40 neon tetras and 40 cardinal tetras for separate customers, and 40-50 cardinals for me to replace my Six-line rainbows in one of my 75g display tanks. I'm going for massive color and shoaling behavior!

How are all of you doing! 2024 treating you well so far?
We have a busy week coming up. Lucy has card classes Mon & Tue. I work bingo floor Tue night. And more stuff thru the week. I haven't published any sales promotions yet! So need to get that done. And now, with coffee done, time to go squeeze sponges!!!

Have a good day friends and make it a happy one!😉😁