Mugwump's Fish World

Other topics and Interests => THE LOUNGE => Topic started by: Barb on October 15, 2023, 09:54:51 AM

Title: Sunny but cool Sunday
Post by: Barb on October 15, 2023, 09:54:51 AM
Hi folks, it is 55 right now, going up to 58, and windy.  But compared to the very hot summer here, this is lovely.  It rained all day yesterday and this weekend is the big Mumfest celebration downtown.  But I didn't go. InsteadHoly molyI went to a new LFS I recently heard about. As they say these days, OMG!  It has been there over 40 years and is only 4 miles from the Vet cemetery where I go so often.  A lady I met at the aquarium, working with me last week told me about it, she gets all her reef tank stuff there.

Holy moly, it is clean, well stocked, friendly knowledgeable employees, I could hardly believe it.  All tanks clean, aquascaped, no dead or sick fish.  Reminds me of the LFSs of long ago where I spent so much $$$$$$$ and hung out so often.  I spent $60 and got 4 beautiful Shubunkins for my pond, 4" long, a new variety of Betta called Calico, a big net and new Betta food.  I will be going often.  They even have Axolotls, had never seen one before.  No Discus, which is good, LFS usually can't keep them well.  They will order anything I want.  Plan to set up my 65 gal that was orchids, as a fancy goldfish tank soon.  They will order a whole batch for me to choose from.

Liz glad you are eating and I know you will fix and enjoy lots of easy to eat foods.  Willie you are doing well with taking good care of yourself. Keep it up.  I am well, except for my 2 insignificant issues,which don't need mentioning anymore.

Have a good day,