Mugwump's Fish World

Other topics and Interests => THE LOUNGE => Topic started by: Barb on July 30, 2023, 10:20:25 AM

Title: Sunday greetings!
Post by: Barb on July 30, 2023, 10:20:25 AM
Hi, how is everyone?  No posts here since Willie and I on Friday? Hope you are all surviving this heat?  The humidity here is very high, which makes the actual air temp feel so much hotter.  Sure need some rain too.  I lost a few plants while I was gone, since there was no rain.  But of course the weeds don't care and try to take over my whole yard!  I don't let them, even if I have to Round Up them.  Good think my 6 goldfish and 1 koi don't mind living in almost hot water!  Full sun all day really heats it up, but they don't seem to mind.  Check in and tell us how you are doing! Ron, hope you and Lucy haven't melted.
Title: Re: Sunday greetings!
Post by: wsantia1 on July 30, 2023, 10:47:00 AM
Good morning Barb and everyone. Hopefully everyone is well.  We are in for a beautiful day here with the current temp at 77 degrees and getting up to a high temp of 81. Yesterday we got up to 96 degrees with a feels like temp of 108 before a cold front and thorms rolled in around 6:00 pm. That cleared out all of the heat and left us with the great weather that we are having today.

I've done all of my fishroom chores for the day so I have the rest of the day to myself. I will probably grill a steak later on now that I can go outside and hang out on the deck. I guess most of my neighbors will be outside also unlike the last few days where everyone was keeping close to their air conditioners.

Now it's time to get Kobe out for a leisurely walk unlike the hurried walks that I've been giving him the past few days.  I'll check in on you later later. Hopefully we hear from you.
Title: Re: Sunday greetings!
Post by: LizStreithorst on July 30, 2023, 07:27:45 PM
Good evening old friends.  I feel I know I've been neglectful of you.  Please forgive me or not having had anything to say here.  There is nothing going on so why try to talk about nothing.  My exciting news for the day is that I lost my phone somewhere between the house and the garden my phone fell out my pocket.  I knew that it was gone but sure that I could find it so I waited most of the day before I went and looked.  No phone anywhere.  April wasn't home when I went by her house, thank goodness Judy was.  I asked her to call me.  It was right where I looked most thoroughly, but covered by a piece of cardboard.  Later this evening, an unexpected thorm popped up out of nowhere.  I'd have almost certainly had to buy a new phone.

I will make try and make tomorrow a better day.  I will go to the feed store first, then go to the pet store for a flat of frozen blood worms.  At least that will get me out of bed, moving, and out of the house.

The heat has been so high for so long now that it feels as though it has always been and will always be like this, but in little more than a month it will be time to plant a fall garden.  Today, for the first time, my 3 little window units weren't able to keep up with the heat.  But this little thorm has cooled things off for tonight.