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Super Sunny Saturday

Started by BallAquatics, March 16, 2024, 10:34:42 AM

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Morning all.  It's a beautiful Saturday morning here in Ohio.  Probably the last really nice day for awhile.

Hoping to get in a ride this afternoon.  Will probably spend some time brushing up on my computer skills.  I haven't really done much computer work since the fall of 2015, so if I want to try and pick-up some part-time work this fall I need a bit of a refresher.

I was surprised at how much easier html & css have gotten.  I decided to do an on-line course offered by this young lady in the UK.  It's fairly comprehensive and covers a lot of topics.

That's it for me... Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!


I guess I enjoyed today.  The water on my way out to feed the horse, but the dirt in the garden was a little too damp.  It would be good to work by tomorrow, 3/4" or rain is forecast.  At any rate, decided to do and wash the bed sheets and do nothing else.  That's all I did.  For some reason, hanging around in the fish room with my NPR affiliate on the radio playing very comforting so I don't mind a day of doing mostly nothing.

Tomorrow I will do something.  I need to pick up a few ingredients for a couple of Cantonese recipes.  I adored that braised ham hock I had last week, I want to eat something lighter for a few days before I engage in something so filling. I had it with a good Dijon mustard to dip the pieces in. The only side it needs is a spring salad. 

And tomorrow, I'm going to tell you the state of my chicken experiences lately.  It won't be about chicken with ginger and oyster sauce.  I love to eat them, but I have two that have talked me into letting them be pets.

My clean body is headed to my clean to have a good long snooze.  See 'all tomorrow, everyone.

Always move forward. Never look back.

Ron Sower

Hidey hey, y'all!

My friends Stan and Barb are moving to the other side of the valley about an hour away and they are going to only keep their saltwater take and take it with them. So I'm helping them sell off their 75g freshwater tank. Some of my buyers came this morning and took all their fish, plants and co2 setup. I hit the sweet spot on pricing. All buyers and sellers were totally happy. I'm buying some equipment from the them and they gave me some for helping them with this.

I had the most fun with 2 ladies that came today that I've had since I started selling from home. We just carried on and laughed the whole time they were here. The great thing is that they plan to come back in a month for more fish and plants.

Lucy's doing well in her booth still, and she's almost finished another large dresser to replace the one that sold last month. I'm still putzing along in my booth and have 3/4 of my booth rent in revenue so far. Better than last month with only 1/4 of it! 😉

Loving my neons in one of my 75g and the cardinals in the other!Monday I'm going to buy some cw28 Cories. At least I think that's what they are. I'll know tomorrow.

Weather is still chilly here, in the 60s today. We leave Thursday for Kauai and it's looking like it will be high 70s low 80s. Ready for it!

Hope your all sleeping well.💤💤💤
Happy Aquariuming,